Radio Television of Serbia
Every day, 104 inhabitants leave Serbia, mostly young people. It is additionally worrying that half of those young people between the ages of 15 and 29 also want to leave the country. Some of them could keep higher salaries here, but for many money is not enough reason to stay.
They are looking for a better standard and a better perspective.
Plus one billion and two hundred million euros, how much was last year’s export of IT services,it was annulled by the minus made by the departure of the youth from the country.That’s how much cost the state education of 35,000 people who left the state. Serbia was left without enough craftsmen, engineers, doctors and IT experts.”Higher education positions, in addition to that economic moment, require other factors that could improve the quality of their lives,, That’s an investment that companies give them, a feeling that they can grow and develop professionally, a space for some personal development”, points out prof. Doc. Dragan Lončar, Vice Dean for Cooperation of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade.
In terms of its ability to keep talent, Serbia ranks 134th on the list of 137 countries.
Some companies are trying to change those statistics. Dragomir Kostić from Atlantic Group says that in that company they enable workers to have flexible working hours following their needs. “We have also given the possibility for employees to go to the ‘sabbatic’, which is practically a form where it is a paid leave of several months, most often it is a question of additional education or resolving some personal situations,” Kostic says.

Hard to professional strength
Dissatisfied, they go abroad, leaving unsatisfied companies, who find it harder than ever to find professional workers. The President of the Board of Directors of the Serbian Association of Managers, Jelena Bulatović, believes that the economy should cooperate with universities. “In the early processes, they should be involved in creating a curriculum for certain positions that may not be present at the faculties now, then concrete solutions on how to make it easier for young people, for example, to obtain easy loans for houses or apartments,” Bulatovic said. The state assures that they are working on solving that problem – it has been formed a Coordination Body that should slow down the departure, return those who left, but also attract workers from abroad. “Without entrepreneurs, this Coordination Body and the measures they could take will not play any role for us. We need to have a private sector where we will employ those people “, points out Bojana Stanić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labor.
The Prime Minister’s Office announces that they are also working on the establishment of a body for circular migration, which will help those who want to return to Serbia. Among them, the least will be highly educated, because 76% of them do not intend to return to the country.